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xx Disney Dreams Forum is now Open!
August 01, 2008, 11:17:33 am by Stitch

You may now play the arcade as much as you want start new topics and post on topics!

Remember staff are still needed so apply today!

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xx Introducing Project: Phoenix's Sister Site!
July 20, 2008, 08:37:41 pm by Stitch

After 1 day of designing i am releaseing the forum into Alpha where only who i choose joins i would like all of you to join.

Disney Dreams Forums will be a public forum (meaning whomever wants to join can join) in which people from around the world can talk anything disney and maybe some not so disney stuff. This site is currently in developement but i need help! I need some skins to be made some logos buttons ect ect ect...

Please not that joining does not and WILL not make you a mod or admin currently if you want to be a mod or admin thats fine just post and ill make it happen HOWEVER is u sign up to be a mod or admin i will expect you to carry out the duties of the job. In  time i will add more mods from other people i dont know. i will also have some other people who love disney join to help out in the designing of the site.

Here is a link please visit and join! I will accept immidiatlty and such.

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xx July 08 meeting!
July 05, 2008, 10:04:36 pm by Stitch

Ok a few thing im doing ALOT different.

1) Email contact - I need each of your emails (no need to post/pm me i can see them very clearly on your profile) the day before, the day of, and 1 hour before i will email u when the meeting begins and u arent here i will send another email Smiley im sorry if this would be spam but its very important you attend these meets

2) I will stick with groupboard unless i can get a Java chat room for us (working on it)

3) I NEED EVERYONE TO POST HERE!!!! please if u dont post when u can/cant be on how am i supposed to know u cant attend please post here

ok im gonna start off with this. post a week number u are avaliable the most for (in other words of the remaining 4 weeks of july which are u most not busy)
Week 1 - 6-12
Week 2 - 13-19
Week 3 - 20-26
Week 4 - 27-31

once we choose a week then we shall selec a day in that week then a 3 hour time period.

my choice - week 2

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July 04, 2008, 12:30:10 am by Mouse

I know summer is a time to relax and all but I get super super busy. I would love to attend the meetings but honestly I cant remember when they are so I would love it if someone could send me an e-mail on the day the meeting is happening with the time and place. My e-mail is

Thank you,

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xx Remembering VMK
June 26, 2008, 09:09:16 pm by Stitch

Ok some of u knew RocketeerRich others may not however he is a great friend and he made 2 amazing videos that will possibly make you cry

WARNING: The following videos may be inappropriate for happy times in your life and may be day altering and make you sad but it will also make you remembers!!  http://you* for the second one remove the * and paste it on your addres bar

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